Six Helpful Suggestions
If you are contemplating a psilocybin journey, you’ll want assurance to receive the most amazing experience possible.
Think of all we expect from the mushroom during one journey lasting approximately 4 – 5 hours. The expectations are high! And the list of wishes runs deep such as . . .
- Get rid of anxiety
- Stop deep depression
- Alleviate PTSD
- Heal childhood trauma
- Stop the need for SSRI’s and Benzo’s
- Feel life and beauty – have new inspiration
- Help to reinvent a new chapter
- Gain new creativity
- Healing pain from losing loved ones
The list goes on . . . you get the idea
Over the years facilitating psilocybin retreats I see trends that may be helpful to provide you a better chance on communicating with these magical teacher plants.
Give Respect
It’s so important for you to get your mind/body ready for a psilocybin journey. Getting your mind/body ready in the right way gives the highest respect to this sacred plant medicine.
When embarking on a psilocybin journey, it should be with the idea that this is the start of a long term relationship where the mushroom will work with you over a period of years . . . even if you only take one journey.
My first healing with psilocybin lasted over 40 years . . . read the story HERE.
Let’s explore the 6 most important ways to get ready for your journey . . .
- Usually people start thinking of a psilocybin retreat months before booking. This is the time to book a Zoom call with your facilitator and read about psilocybin therapy. You need to be incredibly comfortable and have trust with your facilitator. Look for a facilitator who enters this space with total love and compassion, someone with a deeper calling to service – as opposed to one who “thinks this might be a good business” – like getting a massage license.
- I like to see clients act upon their intentions long before the journey starts. The best way to do this is through meditative walks, preferably in nature and taking time to dig deep within yourself. It’s also about getting your mindset ready to do “the work” after the journey . . . the mushroom will give you profound or subtle direction, but it will be up to you to carry forward into the change you want. I cannot emphasize this enough – take time to get your energy ready. In other words, come as an empty cup ready to be filled.
- After some time in facilitating retreats, I received the idea that one should write a letter to the mushroom that comes from the heart. The letter should be all about your intention. It really works – all my clients do this and have gained so much, as it is the mushroom you want to connect with. I work as your conduit.
- Take time to change your diet before you go on retreat. This intention starts the process of mindfulness and the change you want to make. I see a direct correlation between the gut and the mind. It is well known that poor gut health leads to depression, brain fog, and all kinds of mental challenges. Check your gut! Eating clean is one of the most powerful ways to start changing your mind/body. Psilocybin mushrooms love a clean body.
- Please leave your home to have a journey. Staying in your same everyday surroundings is usually not the best idea. Instead, look to have your journey in a most beautiful place, preferably in nature. It’s important that you feel incredibly safe and secure.
- It’s good to surround yourself with all your favorite items that make you comfortable such as; journal, special water or tea, comfortable clothes, eye mask, music, incense etc. – there is no right or wrong, but your surroundings really make a difference. I cringe when I see pictures or documentary films of journeys held in a clinical setting most often in a med room with no windows, fake flowers and two people staring at you.
Knowing that your psilocybin journey is the start of something bigger than your current point of view of life is huge. If you enter your retreat with the commitment to start a new path after your journey and have been getting your mind/body ready to do the work – no matter your excuses, your life can change in a huge way. I’ve certainly see this . . . it’s just amazing the change that can happen if you act upon the message.
How disrespectful it would be to yourself and the mushroom to go on a journey, then go back to your normal life without implementing change. One good journey can start the process of a powerful new you only if you act on the message you receive. Once you start down this path, commit to a new lifetime of learning and changing.
If you would like to discuss a psilocybin journey and how it might help you, let’s start with a Zoom call . . . just go to my Contact page and send me a note. I’ll get back to you to set up a day and time.