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The Psilocybin Retreat in San Miguel de Allende for Young Elders

The private Psilocybin Retreat that middle-agers and young elders are embracing

Psilocybin Retreat
Psilocybin Retreat in San Miguel de Allende for Young Elders

The motivation to retreat has never been greater for a growing majority of middle-agers to young elders (50's - 80's) who are traveling especially for a psilocybin mushroom journey.

With the numerous articles on studies of healing depression, to gaining wellbeing, and new inspiration for life the "I want to try this" to "I did this when I was young at a party" is now developing into a new outlook that psilocybin mushroom could actually be helpful as one grows into their "sage" years.

Many have been taking SSRI's for years and have become shut down, depressed, and lacking vision from life's trauma - dramas which has settled into the body, soul and spirit.

San Miguel de Allende

San Miguel de Allende

Using Psilocybin Mushrooms to open the door for new possibility

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico is one of the hot spots for the special Vision Quest retreats that are given privately or in small group settings with Maria Camille, also a young elder who developed the special 3-day program for a private gentle journey.

Of major importance was developing the special energetic body-work and diet protocols to start opening the mind/body in ways that may never have been experienced previously. This in itself can be a deeply cathartic experience of new feelings of self love and peace within - which can be rare for many who have simply shut down from years of depression.

For the private psilocybin ceremony, comfort, safety and a beautiful location in nature are paramount. Maria Camille shares: "One special private sitting was with a 77 year old woman who had been taking anti-depressants for years. We made a comfortable bed under the trees where the sun filtered through. During the next 4 hours I watched as the lines in her face seemed to simply disappear and become relaxed in a beautiful way. She kept saying "I love this and want to do it again."

To witness this type of turn-a-round is precious and not unusual. But, it does not come without planning and insight to each person individually.

The retreat starts even before the retreat starts . . .

As soon as participants reserve their retreat, Maria Camille begins to make plans especially for each person so by the time they arrive in San Miguel de Allende they can immediately relax with new enthusiasm.

Cutting back on SSRI's, diet, and microdosing may be in the mix as the determination for each person is different.

San Miguel de Allende is a perfect location within Mexico for this type of retreat as the charming colonial town is small enough to get around easily, take in the arts, and experience the local culture.

Being out of one's normal surroundings helps as guests look forward and into the future of "what could be next." Ideas start taking shape as participants naturally start to embrace a little change.

After the first days of body work and coaching - and when guests are totally relaxed and begin to feel new optimism, it’s time for the Ceremony. With a mild dose of proprietary plant medicines, including cacao, psilocybin mushroom and other adaptogens guests begin to understand what all the getting ready was for as the intelligence of the "teacher plants" take them where they need to go in mind/body.

When the afternoon ceremony has come to an end, the guest/s relax as they contemplate their thoughts. Later, a healthy special Thai inspired chicken soup is served before they wind down into a sound sleep.

Wabi-Sabi Art Therapy

However, work on oneself is not over, the following day is about integrating what took place through a special art therapy session Maria Camille designed that starts with a slow moving/breathing Qi Gong sort of exercise. Once the energy builds, the participant transfers their energy into a large Japanese paint brush and with a Bruce Lee yell, all the paint and energy is transferred onto large 6ft. long pieces of paper making a magical art scene that reflects new found inspiration.

The process brings together all the thoughts and experiences of the ceremony into a metaphor of all possibility; that life is like an art project and the beauty is in the imperfection.

And when one returns home, the participant finds that all their senses can be transported back to their sacred exploration of dreams, reality and the transitory nature of living.

Meet your Mentor – Maria Camille

Based on 30 years experience of developing wellness therapies, partaking in plant medicines and visionary integrations

Maria now entering her “sage years” has lived a mosaic life with tales that span years of grueling training in extreme sports and the winning of 4 gold medals while on the U.S. Parachute Team, starting over a dozen entrepreneurial projects across 15 countries, a career in wellness hospitality development, and a TV show for the industry which aired on inflight airline programming.

Among Maria's strongest gifts is her in-depth observation to see the positioning and path for others while at the same time bringing together a solid foundation for success.

Her authenticity, sincerity, wisdom, and courage are well deserved as she has walked the talk for a lifetime.

To book a Vision Quest retreat or to find future locations and information email;


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