It Starts With The Realization . . . You Need Profound Change
Change can be totally demoralizing as we age. We can easily get to the critical stage where we no longer see hope or a way out. Often, we just sit and stare into space with vague dreams of future goals and past memories while sitting in a haze of pharmaceutical drugs, TV, politics, and routine. If you lose yourself now — years can go by. And, for those who signed up for a life of future bliss, it can be devastating as you watch the envelope of opportunities you really wanted pass you by. This is when it’s time to go on a Vision Quest Retreat –
The Back-Story of the Vision Quest
Anthropologists term the Vision Quest as the rite-of-passage ceremony of Native American cultures. Most indigenous cultures worldwide have a rite-of-passage tradition to mark significant life changes or transitions through guided ceremonies. Most often the ceremony included several days where one left the community to journey into nature to discover a new path in life – hence; the vision quest. Today middle-agers are looking at vision quests in the form of a retreat to reinvent, mourn, release, welcome, and celebrate important life transitions. This type of vision quest is meant to be deeply cathartic and is the “why” of taking psilocybin mushrooms, which provide the stepping-stone to “see” into a new journey in life.